Jurnal STRATEGI - Jurnal Maranatha
<p>Jurnal STRATEGI (Sarana Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Teknologi Informasi) adalah Jurnal Ilmiah yang dibangun oleh Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Kristen Maranatha untuk memberikan sarana bagi mahasiswa/i mempublikasikan karya-karya ilmiah bagi khalayak luas. </p> <p> </p>Fakultas Teknologi Informasien-USJurnal STRATEGI - Jurnal Maranatha2684-9984Praktik Pembelajaran Web Dinamis di SMAK Kalam Kudus Bandung
<p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong><strong>— In the digital era with rapid technological development, it is important for people to improve their quality to stay competitive. One way is through the introduction of basic web programming, including static web and dynamic web. This research examines the appropriate learning method in teaching PHP programming language for dynamic web development. The learning that has been implemented, students' enthusiasm, learning outcomes, as well as evaluation points to maximize teaching and learning activities are also discussed in this report. Data is collected from the analysis of teaching and learning activities, student engagement, and assignment and exam scores. During the MBKM activities, the author made syllabus, prepared teaching materials, delivered materials, conducted documentation, prepared quiz and exam questions, and checked the results. Students of SMAK Kalam Kudus Bandung participated in the activities with great enthusiasm, as evidenced by the satisfactory results of major assignments and their initiative in answering questions and solving problems. Teaching preparation includes material preparation, personal readiness, and learning methods.</strong></p> <p><br><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong>— enthusiasm, web programming, learning, PHP </strong></p>Jason Himendrian HofendiAndreas Widjaja, S.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D
2024-11-042024-11-0462241247Pengajaran Web Statis Berbasis Proyek Untuk Mendukung Program Ekstrakurikuler dan Kampus Mengajar MBKM
<p>Aimed at enhancing digital competencies for Golden Indonesia 2045, this study examines the implementation of project-based learning in a web development extracurricular program at SMAK 3 BPK PENABUR Bandung, under the Merdeka Campus initiative by Maranatha Christian University. Students engage with HTML and CSS, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Data were collected through classroom observations, mentor discussions, surveys, and student outcomes, with secondary insights from academic journals and educational resources. Project-based learning, enhanced by interactive presentation materials, demonstrated significant student engagement and positive learning outcomes. The study concludes with recommendations for refining project-based methodologies, highlighting the importance of practical applications in preparing students for Indonesia's digital future.</p>Stefanus StefanusMeliana Christianti Johan, S. Kom., M.T.
2024-11-042024-11-0462248257Pembuatan Sistem Otomatis Pagar menggunakan Microcontroller dan Aplikasi Mobile
<p class="Abstrak">These days, automatic gate systems are widely used. These existing automatic gate systems use a remote to control it. The remote that is used to control the gate uses a sub-1Ghz radio spectrum. The use of sub-1Ghz radio spectrum is a security issue due to the raising popularity of sub-1Ghz signal spoofing device. Another problem with current automatic gate technology is that the user must still interact with the remote to control the gate. From these problems, a new automatic gate control system will be made to hopefully solve the problems of existing automatic gate technology. The new automatic gate control system will be internet based leveraging a microcontroller that will be controlled by a mobile app. The mobile app will have features such as automatic opening of the gate using GPS, and easy access sharing. This automatic gate control system will also be equipped with a backup connection so that the gate can still be controlled in the event of internet outage.</p>Bernadus Indra WijayaErico Darmawan Handoyo, S.Kom., M.T.
2024-11-042024-11-0462258271Prediksi Penyakit Jantung Berdasarkan Indikator-Indikator Kesehatan
<p><em>This research aims to predict heart disease using Machine Learning. The dataset used is obtained from a website called Kaggle. The benefits of this research can help prevent someone from getting heart disease; and start a lifestyle change. The use of Machine Learning can help to predict the likelihood of a person developing heart disease. Some Machine Learning algorithms used in this research are K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, and Random Forest. The use of Machine Learning algorithms can also be supported using Hyperparameter tuning to improve the performance of Machine Learning algorithms. Hyperparameter tuning aims to find the best parameters of each algorithm that provide the most optimal performance. The results of the experiments obtained show that the most optimal algorithm is Random Forest with a value of f1-score (micro) 94%, f1-score (macro) 73%, f1-score (weighted) 94%, and balance accuracy 74%. For the best parameters from the use of Hyperparameter tuning from the Random Forest algorithm, namely max_depth = 80, max_features = 4, min_samples_leaf = 4, min_samples_split = 10, and n_estimators = 400. For the best parameters from the use of Hyperparameter tuning from the Decision Tree algorithm, namely criterion </em>= <em>gini</em>, <em>max_depth </em>= 100, <em>max_features </em>= <em>sqrt</em>, <em>min_samples_leaf</em> = 1, and <em>min_samples_split</em> = 3, and <em>for the best parameters from the use of Hyperparameter tuning from the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm, namely leaf_size </em>= 10, <em>n_neighbors</em> = 40, and <em>weights </em>= <em>distance</em><em>. In addition to experiments to find the best machine learning algorithm, this research also produces a web-based system that accepts input in the form of health indicators and provides prediction results.</em></p>Juan Kenny FilemonWenny Franciska Senjaya, S.Kom., M.T., Ph.D.
2024-11-042024-11-0462272283Prediksi Diagnosis dan Prognosis Breast Cancer menggunakan Machine Learning
<p class="IEEEAbtract"><em><span lang="EN-GB">Breast cancer is one of the most common health problems affecting women around the world. Breast cancer diagnostic involves the identification and assessment of tumors in the breast tissue to determine the malignant or benign nature of the cancer. Meanwhile, breast cancer prognostic aims to identify disease progression after treatment and predict the likelihood of recurrence. This research aims to analyze the latest developments for predicting breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis using machine learning with k-nearest neighbors and logistic regression models and deep learning using artificial neural network models with sequential models. in this research, things are done such as: conducting data exploration, preprocessing data, oversampling for unbalanced datasets and training models. The results show that deep learning and machine learning predictions are suitable for predicting breast cancer diagnosis while prediction for breast cancer prognosis is suitable using machine learning. All results were compared using the evaluation metrics used in this study such as accuracy, precision, recall and F1-Scores. The best-performing model for the diagnosis dataset is logistic regression, while for the prognosis dataset, the best-performing model is the deep learning model using oversampling. The best-performing model for the diagnosis dataset is logistic regression, while for the prognosis dataset, the best-performing model is the deep learning model using oversampling.</span></em></p>Marcel Indra YordanusWenny Franciska Senjaya, S.Kom., M.T., Ph.D.
2024-11-042024-11-0462284290Klasifikasi Sel Darah Putih Menggunakan Vision Transformer (ViT)
<p>White blood cells are important for humans to protect the immune system from bacteria or viruses. White blood cells have 5 types of blood cells which consist of eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, and basophils. Each type has a different shape. The classification of white blood cells is important in the field of healthcare to diagnose diseases caused by white blood cells, such as anemia, leukemia, and others. The classification process is usually done manually using a hemocytometer, the process is prone to human error which can lead to errors in diseases diagnosis. Advancement in technology, especially deep learning, can provide the potential to facilitate and minimize human error in the classification process. This report describes the application of a Vision Transformer (ViT) with a high-performance model in classifying white blood cells based on images. The ViT model uses multi-head attention to process information from images at the same time. The model training process uses a dataset containing 12,500 images and 4 types of white blood cells (eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils) with each having about 3,000 images. The model that has been trained using the right combination of hyperparameter values gets a train accuracy result of 98% and validation accuracy result of 83.44%. The model was used on a simple website as a test platform for classification. The results show that the model can classify white blood cells based on images correctly and can be a potential for the medical field.</p>Jeremia Daud HalimRisal, S.T., M.T.
2024-11-042024-11-0462291307Analisis dan Perancangan Konsep Mobile App Buddy Guides
<p>The innovative application "BuddyGuides" is designed to enhance and simplify the travel experience by empowering individuals with deep knowledge of their cities to become dedicated tour guides. This app allows locals to share stories, history, and hidden secrets of their cities, creating a more personal and authentic holiday experience for travelers. Tourists can use the intuitive and user-friendly platform to find and connect with local guides, view profiles, read reviews, and choose guides that match their preferences. Advanced features such as interactive route mapping, up-to-date destination information, and options to design custom tours are offered to enhance user convenience. This study aims to design the business concept of BuddyGuides, develop the application with an intuitive design, and create user-friendly features for an optimal travel experience. The management, design, and development of the application are scheduled to take place from February 19, 2024, to June 23, 2024. The data used in this study are sourced from the MBKM entrepreneurship program activities with the SONIC team as primary data, and from literature and journals as secondary data.</p>Devin Aditya Putra PratamaJulianti Kasih, S.E., M.Kom.
2024-11-042024-11-0462308317Pembuatan Website untuk Administrasi Akses Video
<p><em>The convenience offered by the video access administration website aplication also provides free access to choose the films or TV series they want without waiting for their turn at the broadcast time or the schedule for when the film will be shown. The need for entertainment content is the reason people choose other entertainment alternatives, namely those offered by video access administration website applications. Making this website is still relatively simple, especially in terms of appearance and security. It is a good idea for the development stage of the new system to be made as attractive as possible and developed further with the addition of more complete information which will certainly be more useful for managers and users.</em></p>Louis Christian JonathanMeliana Christianti Johan, S. Kom., M.T.
2024-11-042024-11-0462318327Implementasi Pengembangan Sistem ERP Modul Manufacturing Berbasis Odoo
<p>This research aims to design and implement a manufacturing management system at PT. San Pacific Abadi using the Odoo Manufacturing Module. Based on the research objectives, several key conclusions can be drawn. First, the design of the manufacturing management system successfully accommodates the needs of PT. San Pacific Abadi, covering the management of Bill of Materials (BoM), work orders planning, manufacturing system configuration, and the management of company data, suppliers or vendors, products, and raw materials. Second, the implementation of this system shows the potential for increased efficiency in managing the manufacturing processes at PT. San Pacific Abadi. Although further modifications and integration with other modules are needed to achieve optimal results, the use of custom modules for work orders planning has successfully ensured better scheduling and management of work orders, effectively supporting the company's operations. This implementation indicates that an Odoo-based system can be an efficient and effective solution for enhancing manufacturing management in the company. Therefore, this system is expected to significantly contribute to improving the company's overall productivity and performance.</p>Phin KurniawanTjatur Kandaga Gautama, S.Si.,M.T
2024-11-042024-11-0462328343Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Manajemen Guest House Dengan Menggunakan Framework Laravel: Studi Kasus Hysan Inn Kota Sukabumi
<p>Hysan Inn is a guest house that still uses a manual system to storing data by writing in books. Writing in books makes data easily lost and difficult to find information in a short time. The main challenges by Hysan Inn are slow service when guests want to find for information and double bookings. The purpose of this research is to design an application using the Laravel framework that can securely manage various data and address these challenges. This application has a search feature, a homepage containing guest house information, and a reporting page to analyze businesses that can minimize problems and improve business processes at Hysan Inn.</p>Shelyhan RahimRobby Tan, S.T., M.Kom.
2024-11-042024-11-0462344356Pengembangan Unit Testing dan Integration Testing REST API Pengelola Data Bootcamp PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika
<p>Mitra Integrasi Informatika LLC is a company focused on Information, Communication, and Technology business. One of its main business groups is Metrodata Academy which focuses primarily on training and certification; bootcamp being one of the programs. In order to help manage the data related to boot camp programs, a web app was made with React (front-end) and ASP.NET Core (back-end). The app is good enough to support the business process, but it has some a problem related to its development process, where there is a lack of testing in its development. A solution was implemented to solve this problem which is the addition of unit testing and integration testing.</p>Rikky SetiawanLaurentius Risal, S.T., M.T.
2024-11-042024-11-0462357368Front-End Development of Information System Applications GKIm Ka Im Tong Website Based
<p>In the continuously evolving digital era, the utilization of information technology<br>has become an inevitable necessity for various organizations, including Gereja Kristen<br>Immanuel (GKIm) Ka Im Tong. GKIm, as a progressive church institution involved in<br>disseminating religious teachings and managing community activities, requires an efficient<br>and easily accessible information system to support its diverse operations. Developing a<br>website-based application emerges as a highly relevant solution in this context. Through a<br>website platform, GKIm can strengthen connectivity with its congregation, provide broader<br>access to current information, and deliver more responsive and inclusive services.<br>The primary challenge in implementing this application lies in achieving adequate<br>user interface (UI) design and comfortable user experience (UX). This report aims to<br>design a strategy for developing the front-end of GKIm's information system application<br>based on a website, by identifying detailed requirements and existing challenges.<br>UI implementation encompasses various crucial components such as the sign-in<br>page, a complex navigation-equipped home page, information carousels, and various menu<br>buttons directing users to specific pages. Additional features like attendance history,<br>information about church ministers, and member profiles are also implemented to enhance<br>congregation engagement and experience across various aspects of church life.<br>Although UI implementation has largely achieved its set objectives, some features<br>like the gallery are still under development. Overall, this application provides a solid<br>foundation for further development, considering the addition of features that can<br>significantly enhance value, such as pre-marital counseling registration and attendance<br>systems for small groups.</p>Martin WidarmadiSulaeman Santoso, S.Kom., M.T.
2024-11-042024-11-0462369381Digitalization of CV Indo Jaya Berkat
<p>The MBKM internship at CV Indo Jaya Berkat focused on digitalizing the company by creating a company profile website with Next.js 14 and Tailwind CSS, and a mobile receivables and inventory application with Flutter and Firebase. This initiative aimed to enhance the company's image, improve receivables and inventory management, and increase operational efficiency. Despite some unfinished features, the digitalization has already brought significant benefits, and future plans include completing these features and adding new ones to further benefit the company.</p>Rifqi Dewataprana SangkaSulaeman Santoso, S.Kom, M.T.
<p>This study aims to compare the performance of Logistic Regression and Random Forest models in predicting sentiment on IMDb Movie Review. Using a dataset consisting of movie reviews, both models are trained and evaluated using commonly used performance evaluation metrics. The research findings indicate that Logistic Regression outperforms Random Forest in predicting sentiment in IMDb reviews. These findings provide valuable insights for practitioners and researchers in selecting the most suitable model for sentiment analysis tasks on movie review data.</p> <p> </p>Nandi Agung PermanaHendra Bunyamin, S.Si., M.T.
2024-11-042024-11-0462391399Of, For Application of Digital Marketing for Kenzy Baby Shop Social Media
<p>This final project discusses the digital marketing strategy applied to the children's clothing company, Kenzy Baby. The digital marketing strategy employed involves utilizing the social media platforms TikTok and Instagram through content creation and collaboration with content creators. The main objective of this strategy is to increase sales and expand the company's marketing reach. This report also includes an analysis of various types of effective content on TikTok and Instagram. Additionally, it evaluates the impact of collaborations or affiliations with several content creators who have a large and diverse following. The results of implementing this strategy show an increase in viewership of the content</p>Vina AnjelinaWenny Franciska Senjaya, S.Kom., M.T., Ph.D.
2024-11-042024-11-0462400408Behind the Scenes of Parliament: Data Analyst di Setjen DPR RI
<p>This report presents the internship experience of a Data analyst at the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (Setjen DPR RI). The internship experience includes observation, public lectures, hearings, work practices, simulations, and evaluations. During the internship, the Data analyst was involved in various projects, including analytical dashboard creation, data visualization, and network management. The creation of analytical dashboards and data visualizations proved to be an important tool in supporting stakeholder decisions. Intuitive dashboards allow stakeholders to quickly understand trends, patterns, and insights from data, which is crucial for effective decision-making. On the other hand, efficient and secure server, storage, and network management also contribute significantly to the organization's ability to manage and store data properly and safely. A solid and well-managed IT infrastructure is the foundation that allows big data analysis to be carried out smoothly, ensuring data integrity and availability for analytical and operational purposes. Overall, the internship experience at Setjen DPR RI provided valuable insights into the role of data analytics in supporting effective decision-making. The combination of strong data analytics capabilities and reliable IT infrastructure creates an environment conducive to effective Decision Support Systems, which can ultimately improve the quality of the DPR RI's work.</p>David KurniawanSendy Ferdian Sujadi, S.Kom., M.T.
2024-11-042024-11-0462409419Pemanfaatan Platform Low-Code Sitecore dalam Pengembangan Website Content Management System dan Quality Control pada Website PT XYZ
<p>Sitecore focuses on creating and managing digital content. The platform offers powerful content management capabilities that enable companies to create, manage, and publish content on websites. With Sitecore, companies can simplify the content creation process and speed up the digital content development process. Sitecore was applied to a website development project at PT XYZ. The steps for developing a website using Sitecore involve using UI Design and UX Writing as references, creating a template, and setting the website page layout, and entering content on the Sitecore Content Editor page. During website development, interns also carry out Quality Control to identify whether there are deficiencies in certain components that need to be revised or added. With the combination of features provided by Sitecore, PT XYZ website development projects, especially in content management, become faster and more efficient, thereby speeding up the process of launching new content that they want to display to clients.</p>Valencia SamuelSendy Ferdian Sujadi, S.Kom., M.T.