Website E-Commerce Toko Kiper Bandung

  • Hilman Pebrian Pratama Universitas Kristen Marantha
  • Adelia , S.Kom., MT.


Toko Kiper Bandung is a shop that sells sports needs such as gloves, soccer shoes, soccer balls and socks. Until now, Bandung keeper shops still use book or manual systems in the process of selling and collecting goods. Toko Kiper Bandung owner wants the products sold in his shop to be sold online to increase business reach from the Bandung Goalkeeper shop. The author took this opportunity to conduct a Final Project research entitled "Making E-Ecommerce Website for Toko Kiper Bandung". This system will use the database as a storage medium and retrieve data from the process. This system will use PHP, html, and MySQL. This system will also be equipped with customer behavior that is used to send product recommendations via email based on the products most often seen by the customer.
