Pengembangan Digital Signage berbasis Web

  • Yoshua Andi
  • Billy Susanto Panca


Announcement is one of the most important information delivery media in the teaching and learning process at the Faculty of Informatics. Of course an important announcement to be conveyed to the Reader, both students, lecturers, and other parties who need information. However, the announcement of the present announcement is considered to be less noticed by the Reader. One way to increase the interest of Readers is by displaying announcements in a more interesting way, compared to just posting an announcement on the wall. This web-based application will display announcements with the image, Video, Audio, and Text content at the time specified by the author of the announcement. Announcement writers will be required to log in using a SAT account in order to use the computer. This SAT account is an account provided by Maranatha Christian University for every student and lecturer.
