Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dosen Berprestasi Menggunakan Metode SAW Pada Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Kristen Maranatha

  • Alvin Atmacendana Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Teddy Markus Z


In the education sector, teachers or lecturers have an effect on how students can receive material clearly and easily understandable. So that lecturers are deserve to get a promotion or award according to their academic performance and achievement. Therefore, a decision support system for outstanding lecturers is needed to determine the performance of lecturers. This research produce a web-based decision support system. This website was developed using the PHP programming language and MySQL for database. The website has been tested using the Blackbox Testing method. From the results of the tests conducted, it can be concluded that this application has been able to perform calculations in the decision support system for outstanding lecturers using the SAW method
