Sistem Informasi Penjualan Air Bersih Berbasis Web Pada PT. Mitra Perkasa

  • Anang Adenansi Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Meliana Christianti J., S.Kom., MT.


The rapid development of technology at this time and also the high consumer demand for clean water has an impact on the supply of clean water in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan. High demand from the public has led to intense competition between suppliers. With this problem the author sees an opportunity to create a business which utilizes technology at this time where it is very easy and fast to get information. The author makes a website where consumers can get clean water easily. On this website, consumers can order clean water quickly because there is more than one driver who is ready to deliver clean water to the consumer's address only with the gadget they have. Testing this website in the form of black box testing. Then the results of the test state that the website is as desired, attractive, easy to use, making it easier for customers who need clean water without having to leave the house.
