Penerapan Framework CodeIgniter 4 dan Bootstrap dalam Pengembangan Situs Reservasi Aula Karunia Global School

  • Albertus Alan Mehetabel Maranatha Student
  • Wenny Franciska Senjaya, S.Kom., M.T., Ph.D
  • Dr. Swat Lie Liliawati, S.H., M.Hum.
Keywords: Hall Reservation, Karunia Global School, Online Reservation


This study developed a website for hall reservations at Karunia Global School, using the CodeIgniter 4 Framework and Bootstrap. Due to the challenges of manually maintaining hall reservations, the school administration decided to develop a website for hall reservations. Requirement analysis is conducted through discussions with mentors, IT teams, school administration, and also references from previous studies. The primary focus of this study is to assess the implementation of CodeIgniter 4 and Bootstrap technologies and their impact on enhancing the functionality and efficiency of hall reservations. In particular, the system allows consumers to use features such as hall availability checks, direct booking, booking history, and other functions. The system also allows managers to properly manage the entire application such as managing the hall list, managing transactions, website settings, and many others to streamline the reservation process. The study found that integrating these technologies successfully improved the effectiveness and efficiency of the hall reservation system at Karunia Global School.
