Implementasi Hasil Belajar Studi Independen Program Web Full Stack Developer Dalam Pengembangan Website Manajemen Sekolah Menggunakan Framework Laravel

  • Rici Rici Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Robby Tan, S.T., M.Kom.


Data is one of the most essential and sensitive items, thus there must be a technique to properly handle it. However, many schools still neglect this. Many schools still manage data manually or with an Excel program. Without recognizing it, this might result in data loss or make existing data erroneous or out of date. If the problem is not remedied promptly, the school's operational performance may become ineffective or diminished. The most appropriate answer is to create a school management website that can be used to better manage data. This website can help schools access and manage their data more easily, as well as reduce data loss or inaccuracy. The end goal is to make it easier for schools to handle data.
