Implementasi Framework Gin dan gRPC pada Pengembangan Back-end Web

  • Markvinson Avatara Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Robby Tan, S.T., M.Kom.


The objective of this journal is to gain a deeper understanding of the professional landscape, particularly in the realm of backend development for websites. This endeavor is undertaken at PT Gits Indonesia, an IT-focused company. Throughout the MSIB, two projects have been assigned by the company for completion. Both projects revolve around backend development for a website and utilize the Golang programming language. These projects entail the incorporation of frameworks as per the company's specifications. The initial project involves a library and makes use of the Gin framework, while the second project is centered around e-commerce and uses the gRPC framework. Despite the prior utilization of both frameworks in past projects, their implementations in these assignments can be continuously refined to optimize their efficacy. Upon the conclusion of this MSIB, the aspiration is to broaden insights into the professional sphere and potentially contribute positively to the company and others considering participation in MBKM internships.
