Implementasi Program MBKM Kampus Mengajar Pemasaran Online Pada SMA Trinitas dan SMP Santa Ursula

  • Ruslan Ahmad Jayadi Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Diana Trivena Yulianti, S.Kom., M.T.


— Campus teaching is one of the MBKM program which aims to provide an opportunity to seek experience outside the
campus. outside the campus. Other MBKM programs include independent studies, internships, and student exchanges. In this MBKM
context, we have the opportunity to be involved in the campus teaching program, specifically teaching digital marketing at Santa
Ursula Junior High School and Trinity High School. Ursula Junior High School and Trinitas High School Bandung. This digital
marketing teaching activity aims to help students at Santa Ursula Junior High School and Trinitas Bandung High School develop
their skills early on, so that they can be better prepared for digital marketing. develop their skills early on, so that they can be better
prepared for future changes. for future changes. In this era with many activities moving into the digital realm, such as buying and
selling systems, it is important to teach high school students about these concepts. In the process of teaching process, the author
compiled materials based on the guidelines provided by the university. university. These materials were then modified to make them
easier to understand by students. The material delivery process was conducted in the classroom, providing opportunity for students to
directly practice and apply the concepts learned. concepts learned. This whole activity is an effort to make a positive contribution to
the education of high school students and help them prepare for the next stage of their lives. prepare for the next stage of their lives.
