Penerapan Digital Marketing Dalam Memperluas Brand Sekolah Lentera Bangsa

  • Ronaldo Khan Kashali Student
  • Risal, S.T., M.T.
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Instagram, Brand Awareness, Education Marketing


This Final Report, titled "Implementation of Digital Marketing in Developing Brand Awareness for PKBM Lentera
Bangsa School," explores the application of digital marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness. The focus is on developing
effective content for Instagram to boost followers, reach, and engagement. Through an internship program, the author conducted
experiments involving diverse content formats such as photos, carousels, reels, and stories. Analysis of the outcomes identified the
most successful content types for augmenting brand awareness. The report presents key findings and recommendations, emphasizing
the importance of precise digital marketing strategies for optimizing content on platforms like Instagram. The insights aim to provide
practical guidance for PKBM Lentera Bangsa School and similar institutions in achieving effective marketing objectives through
enhanced brand exposure and audience engagement.
