Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Pengguna dengan Integrasi Next.js dan ASP.NET

  • Christopher Hermawan Fakultas IT Maranatha
  • Adelia, S.Kom., M.T.


This report revolves around the project focused on developing a user management web page during the internship at birof, PT XYZ. The report covers various topics, including the introduction, information about the institute and job description,
theoretical foundations, project outcomes, and the conclusion with suggestions. The primary task involved the creation of a user
management web page integrated into the Content Management System (CMS) website. The user management web page serves the
purpose of controlling user access within the CMS website. Key features of the user management web page include viewing and
searching for specific user data, creating new user profiles, updating user information, deleting user accounts, and deactivating user
accounts. The development of the user management web page utilized the Next.js framework for front-end development, while the
required APIs were created and developed using ASP.NET MVC 4 as the backend framework. The en
