Peran Asistensi Mengajar terhadap Pemahaman Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam Mata Pelajaran Digital Marketing

  • Kathleen Felicia Annabel Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Doro Edi, S.T., M.Kom.


The shift in lifestyle from traditional to digital, especially in the industrial sector, requires people to think critically by utilizing technology that has developed. Understanding of Digital Marketing can be an advantage if mastered. Therefore, learning Digital Marketing, especially at school, can provide benefits and become a career choice in the future for students. This teaching assistance activity is carried out to help students deepen their knowledge of Digital Marketing. In order to get maximum results, teachers need to ensure how much students understand about learning in class and the real benefits that students can experience. To determine student’s level of understanding, data is taken directly through the results of the classroom evaluations. Meanwhile, to find out the benefits obtained through learning, a questionnaire was distributed containing questions related to the objectives to be sought. The results show that the level of student understanding is good with high scores, while the benefits of learning has also achieved good results as measured by the answers of the majority of students in the questionnaire who have a positive opinion about this teaching assistance activity.
