Pengembangan Hard Skill Berbentuk Materi Pembelajaran Bisnis Digital Pada Sekolah Menengah Atas

  • Christopher Steven Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Adelia, S.Kom., M.T.


Along with the times and after the Covid-19 Pandemic, many companies are thinking about the best way to develop
their business by using technology. with the existence of technology, companies are starting to switch from traditional to digital,
but many companies need a workforce that has skills in technology, so the use of technology needs to be improved and started to
be given to students at the Senior High School level. With the Merdeka curriculum, learning materials related to Digital Marketing,
Fundamentals of E-Business and E-Commerce, and Technopreneur can be given to students with highschool level. the provision of
material can be in the form of providing teaching materials, exercises, project assignments and evaluations in the form of
presentations. the provision of evaluation can be in the form of using software tools such as balsamiq, canva, business model canvas
and content planner. with this learning can help students in the development of hard skills and can compete in the world of work.
