Upaya Penerapan Pemasaran Digital pada PT. Java Footwear Sportindo

  • Justin Lie Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Diana Trivena Yulianti, S.Kom., M.T.


PT. Java Footwear Sportindo is a shoes retail company that has several subsidiaries, which include: Hoops Indonesia, Puma Select, Adidas, Daily Wear Sport, and Out of The Box that spread accros the islands of Java and Bali. In online marketing, PT. Java Footwear Sportindo uses social media and Website. Instagram is the social media that used by PT. Java Footwear Sportindo to market and promote products that sold by PT. Java Footwear Sportindo. Meanwhile, the Website is used to be the platform for consumers to make online purchases and so that consumers can view the products’ catalog of PT. Java Footwear Sportindo. This internship aims to increase interaction of Hoops Indonesia’s Instagram audiences about the products, shortening time by more efficient in the migration process from the old Website to the new Website of Hoops Indonesia, and uploading a product photo with a maximum size of 500MB so that there are no errors in the product photo.
