Pengembangan API Perusahaan HiColleagues pada Modul Master Data dengan Metode Monolitik

  • Kevin Laurence Maranatha Christian University
  • Risal, S.T., M.T.


The rapid development of information technology and business has transformed the interaction between companies and users. A user can access to product information through mobile applications, websites, and social media has significantly increased. HiColleagues is currently facing challenges in business development sector. In response to the challenges of business growth, HiColleagues has developed the API HiColleagues website. The primary focus of this development is on the master data module API. The goal of API development in the master data module is to automate the addition of new data and manage it efficiently. Additionally, the development of the API in the master data module aims to ensure that crucial data (master data) within HiColleagues is always up-to-date. The development of the API use Go programming language, with Echo framework, and PostgreSQL as the database. The API in the master data module includes several developed features, such as banner, career, class, FAQ, instructor, and voucher. This development can assist HiColleagues in addressing the challenges of business growth and meeting the company's needs.
