Analisis Custom Search dan Google Search pada Sistem Pencarian Data Seminar dan Kompetisi
At this time, the website is a good opportunity to attract people's attention because it can be accessed anywhere and by
anyone. As a student, they certainly want to seek more knowledge in terms of whether they are taken or not. And students also mostly
seek knowledge with seminars or competitions, by looking for or attending seminars or competitions students can get student points.
Therefore, the main function of search engines or search engines is to simplify and speed up search. The background for making this
search engine is to help retrieve data that will be searched by students. By doing the scraping method, this will help students in
conducting seminar and competition data searches. This site was built with Google API technology applications, including the
implementation of Custom Search Engines (CSE), as well as the Document Object Model (DOM) technology application used to
create and manipulate data in HTML. Google API will make it easier to create data search applications, by providing custom search
engine services from Google. And in this study will discuss the problem of the difference between a custom search engine search
engine and google search engine.