Perancangan Aplikasi "Plement" bagian Pembelian dengan Studi Kasus NottSleepwear

  • Anastasia Levina Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Adelia, S.Kom., MT.


Plement stands for Simple Management. Plement is a Mini ERP System Application based website. Plement made with case studies called NottSleepwear where NottSleepwear is a mini business which sell pajamas. There are two main features from Plement which is Sales Feature and Purchase Feature. Purchase Feature divided into three part which is Purchase, Good Receipt, and Invoice.  Purchase features are divided based on the existing process in the provisions of an Mini ERP and follow the standar of Mini ERP and made using PHP programming language for back-end and HTML for front-end with the help of Laravel Framework and Boostrap.
