Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rental Sepeda Berbasis Web Pada Toko Linkz Cycle Pontianak

  • Erico Aprianus Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Julianti Kasih


Linkz Cycle is a bike rental located in Pontianak City. This rental provides services in the form of hourly bike rental. Linkz Cycle Store is located at Kedah Street No.76 Pontianak City. In this effort, there are still many problems that occur in the Admin section, namely in the process of recording bike rental bookings that take a lot of time because it is still recorded through books. Problems also occur when consumers place an order over the phone, because the consumer can not see the picture of the bike to be rented. The process of data processing and report making that occurs in Linkz Cycle is still using data processing that is recorded in the form of bookkeeping. With the increasing number of products and transactions that occur every day, it turns out that it makes it difficult for companies in the process of searching for data, causing delays and even errors in obtaining the desired information. Also on the issue of bike rental security, in the absence of a bike feeding tracking system can not be monitored medium position where, and it can certainly harm the store in case of theft. With some of the above problems, it is necessary to create a bike rental application and equipped with a GPS tracking system at the Linkz Cycle Store so that it can facilitate and maximize the performance of employees, and reduce the risk of losses in the end the application analyzed in this research is expected to support the required information process quickly and accurately. The application is created with PHP and MySQL programming languages.
