Sistem Informasi Penjualan Toko Expert Dengan Metode Supply Chain Management

  • Andrianus Alvien Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Doro Edi


Supply chain management (SCM) is a supply chain management process starting from the product procurement process to the hands of consumers. By implementing this, it is hoped that the product procurement process will be easier. Apart from that from the internal side of the company itself, such as. The data input process and services to consumers are things that need to be considered so that both feel comfortable. Expert develops a supply chain management information system with several stages, including: analyzing the business process running there, analyzing problems that exist in the procurement process and thinking about the impacts and constraints that will occur if SCM is implemented. The main solution offered by the system is a user interface that makes it easier for the procurement department to procure products. Request for products and out of stock data can help make ordering products more effective and efficient..
