Analisis Peningkatan Brand Awareness untuk Sekolah Pelangi Harapan Bangsa dengan Melakukan Pemasaran Online

  • Adiel Louise Amandus Aryanto
  • Diana Trivena Yulianti


In this digital era, important for company to implement social media marketing. Social media for company can be use to promote some company activity. Pelangi Harapan Bangsa School is a school located in Bandung. This school has special program for special needs children. Good school needs to be promoted as good as possible. Social media can be used for promotion to target maket. Instagram, facebook, and website can be used to inform audience about Pelangi Harapan Bangsa school. Not just posting, but need to analyze what content should we post in social media or website. Good quality of content can attract more audience on social media and website. More audience can increase brand awareness from citizen about Pelangi Harapan Bangsa. We can track audience by using insight for facebook and instagram and using google analitycs for website.
